Terms of Use

Terms of Use
We would love for you to share your comments and suggestions for this project!
Share your thoughts on Main Avenue by adding location-specific insights and ideas to the map of Main Avenue, which will help us understand your thoughts and experiences of Main Avenue.

Add a marker to the map and tell us what comments or suggestions you might have. You can also upload images of areas to better explain those comments or suggestions.
Here's the current map with all your comments and suggestions.
We want you to contribute to this map! Follow these steps to add your markers, comments, photos, and draw on this public map:
Click on the menu button on the top right corner.
Select "Comment Here".
Select the type of comment you want to make.
You can now click on the location where you want your comment to be.
You'll get a screen to write your comments and add photos if you'd like to as well.
Once you're done - hit submit. Your comment will now stay on the map.
If you are having​ problems interacting with the map, click here